Learn more about how to cancel

Term and Cancellation

 You may suspend or cancel this Contract at any time and in a number of ways, including: (a) telephoning Amend Credit Principles, (b) signing and mailing Amend Credit Principles one of the Notices of Cancellation, or (c) sending Amend Credit Principles a written request. Amend Credit Principles honors all cancellation requests without condition or charge that are sent to Amend Credit Principles within the first five days of the date of this Contract.

It may take up to three business days from the day Amend Credit Principles receives your request to process it. Cancellation requests sent after the first five days may result in a charge. The length of time you may wish to engage Amend Credit Principles will likely depend on a variety of factors, such as: your individual credit goals, your timely participation, the complexity of your case (e.g. the type and number of unfairly or inaccurately reported credit information subject to substantiation), initial and subsequent positions taken by a particular Furnisher or Bureau regarding an affected credit report item, new information added to your credit profile during your Representation, changes to your initial credit goals, and other related factors.

This contract continues from month to month. You are advised to review your case at least each month and determine whether you wish to continue Amend Credit Principles’ Representation or suspend or cancel it. Amend Credit Principles reserves the right to withdraw from representing you if you breach this Contract or for any reason permitted under applicable professional rules of conduct. In the event Amend Credit Principles withdraws, you agree to pay Amend Credit Principles for the services rendered by Amend Credit Principles previous to the date of withdrawal. Amend Credit Principles may have discussions with you regarding your case and in doing so may provide its opinion, in its judgment, regarding your options and possible outcomes, given the information you provide to Amend Credit Principles. Any expressions of opinion may not reflect an actual outcome.

Required Notice Under Federal Law: You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation at any time before midnight of the 3rd business day after the date on which you signed the contract. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right Amend Credit Principles provides you five days from the date of this Contract to cancel without penalty or obligation. 

Address to send cancellations to:
Amend Credit Principles LLC
11426 Davis St. #144
Grand Blanc, MI  48480

Phone number to call to cancel:

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